From the course: Cert Prep: Revit MEP Mechanical & Plumbing Certified Professional

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Create sheets

Create sheets

- [Voiceover] This video kind of brings everything together. No one's gonna know what we're doin' unless we make sheets. Therefore, it's gonna be on the exam. Under Projects, let's go New. I'll use the Mechanical Template, and click OK. Let's link a Revit Model. So let's go to Insert. Let's go to Link Revit. Browse to where you're keeping your architectural model, make sure it's Origin to Origin, and click Open. I'm gonna draw some pipe in the bathroom here. So I'm gonna go to Systems, I'm gonna go to Pipe. For my Pipe Type I go Chilled Water. And for my System Type, I'll scroll up and I will find Domestic Cold Water. I'm just gonna come off the back of my toilet, I'm gonna make sure my Slope is turned Off, and also my Show A Slope Tool Tip is Off. Come up to here, we can't see it. I wonder why. We're gonna come down to here, I'm gonna close out. Hit Escape a few times, now I'm gonna go to VG. I'm gonna go to my Filters, make sure Domestic, Sanitary and Vent are all turned on. Click…
