From the course: Cert Prep: Revit MEP Mechanical & Plumbing Certified Professional
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Plumbing: Routing preferences - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Cert Prep: Revit MEP Mechanical & Plumbing Certified Professional
Plumbing: Routing preferences
- [Instructor] What I'd like to do in this video is create a brand new pipe type from scratch. We're going to configure the routing preferences. We're going to add elbows, tees, and reducers. So, let's get started by jumping into Revit. Under Projects let's go Open. I'm going to go ahead and grab my Plumbing Piping model and I'm going to click Open. Under Floor Plans in the project browser let's go down to Plumbing. Let's go to the Insert tab, let's click on Load Family. Let's scroll down to Pipe and double click on it. Let's go to Fittings, let's double click on Carbon Steel, Class 150, Flanged, lets hold down our Shift key and select everything here and let's click Open. It might take a second to load all these. Okay, now that those are loaded in, let's go to our Systems tab, let's click the Pipe button, now let's click on Edit Type. Under Segments and Fittings, let's click on Duplicate, let's call it Flanged Class 150. (typing) And let's click OK. For Routing Preferences let's…
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Mechanical: Add and use mechanical equipment5m 43s
Mechanical: Add and modify air terminals2m 49s
Mechanical: Add and modify ducts7m 21s
Mechanical: Add and modify return ducts4m
Mechanical: Add and modify duct accessories and fittings4m 7s
Mechanical: Work with spaces7m 9s
Plumbing: Add and modify fixtures5m 38s
Plumbing: Add and modify piping7m 5s
Plumbing: Routing preferences6m 28s
Plumbing: Add and use plumbing equipment3m 29s
Plumbing: Create a plumbing system4m 38s
Plumbing: Add and modify pipe accessories4m 13s
Mechanical: Define a duct system3m 46s
Perform interference check3m 17s
Mechanical: Work with heating and cooling zones5m 36s
Plumbing: Add and modify placeholder pipe2m 24s
Size duct and pipe systems1m 58s
Check duct and pipe systems and disconnects2m 21s