From the course: COBOL Essential Training
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Challenge: Create an indexed file - COBOL Tutorial
From the course: COBOL Essential Training
Challenge: Create an indexed file
(gentle upbeat music) - [Instructor] Welcome to the next challenge. This challenge involves creating an indexed file and then writing a program to be able to read from the indexed file. Providing direct access can really speed up a search when your program requires the ability to select certain records from a file using data from the file, an index file is a really good choice. We start by converting a line sequential file to an indexed file. I have provided a file and your exercise files folder under chapter six, that contains some information from a few major league baseball games from 2016. Each file contains a record that has an ID, the date of the game, the attendance, the venue for the game, the home and away team names, the runs respectively, and the number of innings that were played. The goal is to use this file and create an indexed file. The ID is unique in the file. So use the ID as the primary key.…
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