From the course: COBOL Essential Training

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Challenge: Process payroll

Challenge: Process payroll - COBOL Tutorial

From the course: COBOL Essential Training

Challenge: Process payroll

(upbeat electronic music) - [Instructor] Welcome to the next challenge. And this challenge, you will read a file containing a list of employees and their respective hourly rate. The idea is that all employees are getting a 3% cost of living increase. So you will need to read each record, calculate the new hourly rate, and write a new record to a new employee file. You will start with the employeeraise.cbl. If you prefer, you can always start from scratch, but this is a good starting point. For input, you can use empfile.dat as your input. As I stated, you're going to give all employees a 3% cost of living raise. To provide data integrity of the input file, we want to write a new line sequential file called newempfile.dat. I've also purposely left off the logic to check for a valid file status. So make sure you add that as well. All the sample files are located in your exercise files folder under chapter four under…
