From the course: COBOL Essential Training

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File organization and access methods

File organization and access methods - COBOL Tutorial

From the course: COBOL Essential Training

File organization and access methods

- [Tutor] As we've seen so far in this course files play an important part of COBOL programming. Reading and writing data is an essential part of almost every program. Your program retrieves information, processes it and then produces the results. Examples might be data validation and report writing. Before delving into the file types and access methods, let's review a few helpful terms related to file processing. We'll start with the smallest piece of data which is a field. A field refers to a specific piece of data such as a first name, a customer ID. Think of it as a label for a piece of information. It can be data or it could even be a key, a primary key or a secondary key. Next multiple fields are collection of fields is stored in a record. And records can be either a physical record, which is where information exists on a physical device. Depending on the file organization the data might be one contiguous physical…
