From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced
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Assumption 4: Checking normality of error terms - SQL Tutorial
From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced
Assumption 4: Checking normality of error terms
- [Narrator] Let's continue your journey of checking the assumptions. In the last video, you made sure your variables have a clear relationship, just like a well-behaved car following a straight road. Now, let's dive into assumption number four, the normality of error terms. But what does that mean? Imagine you're on a road trip and you want to make sure the road is smooth without unexpected bumps or obstacles. Similarly, in your regression model, you want to ensure your errors or residuals, that is, the differences between your predicted values and the actual values follow a smooth, bell-shaped curve, just like a calm and predictable road. To test this assumption, you're going to create a histogram of your residuals. Think of it as checking the terrain of your road for bumps. Now, here's the code that performs this test for us. Let's take a look at your histogram. What we're hoping for is a shape that resembles a bell…
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Creating the linear regression model and model summary: Part 19m 33s
Creating the linear regression model and model summary: Part 27m 16s
Creating the linear regression model and model summary: Part 35m 33s
Dropping insignificant variables and re-creating the model7m 57s
Checking assumptions for linear regression3m 18s
Assumption 1: Checking for mean residuals2m 47s
Assumption 2: Checking homoscedasticity3m 13s
Assumption 3: Checking linearity2m 12s
Assumption 4: Checking normality of error terms3m 24s
Q-Q plot for checking the normality of error terms3m 14s
Model performance comparison on train and test data6m 7s
Applying cross-validation and evaluation4m 40s
Challenge: Model building48s
Solution: Model building1m 16s