From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced
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Crafting Elegance in Machine Learning Models - SQL Tutorial
From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced
Crafting Elegance in Machine Learning Models
- [Instructor] Now that you've visited linear and non-linear models in the last video, this video is all about championing simplicity and the art of creating models that are neither too simple, nor too complex. Think of your machine learning models as skaters balancing on a rail. On one side, there's the risk of underfitting, like a skater who can't quite pull off a trick because they're not pushing themselves enough. Now, this happens when your model is too simple, barely scratching the surface of what your data has to offer, and missing the bigger picture. On the other side, there's overfitting, which is like a skater trying to land an overly complex combo and losing their flow. Your model gets caught up in minor details, losing its ability to perform well in new or different situations. Now, your goal is to find that sweet spot, crafting models that capture the essence of your data, like a skater seamlessly flowing through the park, hitting every trick just right, without…
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From Predicting to Understanding4m 46s
Breaking Down Data Relationships with Regression4m 6s
Crafting Elegance in Machine Learning Models2m 55s
Hitting the Right Note - The Bias-Variance Trade-off4m 7s
Fine-Tuning Your Models3m 33s
Remixing Data with Bootstrapping3m 49s
Regression Analysis: A Practical Application3m 54s