From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced

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Inferential statistics (probability)

Inferential statistics (probability)

- [Instructor] What's up and welcome back. In the last video, you learned how descriptive statistics is used to describe your data in ways that make sense. In this video, you are going to journey into the world of probability. Probability gives you the groundwork for how you make educated guesses and predictions in inferential statistics. Before you dive in, remember, both descriptive and inferential statistics are essential for your understanding and interpreting data. Descriptive statistics helps you summarize and visualize the data you have, while inferential statistics allow you to make broader conclusions about a population based on sample data. So what exactly is probability? Well, it's a way of measuring uncertainty and understanding the likelihood of events happening. It's like a tool that allows you to make informed decisions in the face of uncertainty. Probability is all around you from predicting the…
