From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced

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Solution: Preparation

Solution: Preparation

(upbeat music) - [Narrator] So here's the organized sequence of your data analysis steps. Begin by importing the required libraries. Then, retrieve and load the dataset into your data analysis environment. Examine the dataset information to understand its characteristics, like number of rows, number of columns, data types, and if there are any missing values. Next, review the summary statistics for the dataset, such as mean, median, standard deviation, mean and max values. Then, visualize and analyze the distribution of individual variables within your dataset. Finally, if necessary, apply log transformation to specific variables to improve data balance. Then, recheck the distribution of these variables to be sure they meet your data analysis requirements. Now, this sequence represents the logical order in which these data analysis steps are typically conducted to understand, pre-process and analyze a dataset…
