From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced
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Writing the linear regression equation and coefficients - SQL Tutorial
From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced
Writing the linear regression equation and coefficients
- [Instructor] Before you dive into the linear regression equation you are about to do in this step, I want to compare and contrast the last step, step 21, to this one, step 22, so that you're clear about the difference and why you're doing it. In your last step, step number 21, you created a data frame of coefficients, which showed you the individual impact of each feature on your model. It's like knowing how much each ingredient contributes to your cake recipe, like flour, sugar, eggs, and so on. This table gave you a detailed view of the ingredients, but it didn't provide the complete cake recipe. Now in this step, step number 22, you'll put together all these ingredients to create the entire cake recipe, the linear regression equation. The linear regression equation helps you understand how these factors work together to estimate the price of houses using a mathematical method called the logarithm. So let me say this…
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