From the course: Complete Your First Project in R
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How to analyze sales employees
From the course: Complete Your First Project in R
How to analyze sales employees
- [Instructor] Now that you've spent some time getting to know Red30 Tech customers, let's spend some time getting to know the sales employees who interact and make sales with these customers. Note that you'll use a lot of the same code and techniques from the previous videos for this employee analysis. So you click your run first code to get your data and packages all loaded in. And let's begin by sorting the data by order total. So again, to do this, you'll do sales and order it with these sales, Order Total column and have the decreasing equal TRUE. And again, make sure you add that comma at the end. And so here you could see the top employees as far as the order total, as far as the highest dollar amount order that they sold, so you have Wyatt, Willow, and Ben. Let's do what we did last time and copy and paste this. But this time you'll do it for order quantity, so you'll sort this. And so you can see Ben, Corey, and Anthony have those top orders by the order quantity. Next, let's…
Introducing Red30 Tech1m 55s
Understanding Red30 Tech data6m 19s
How to perform basic descriptive analysis6m 43s
How to find top customers4m 31s
How to better understand customers4m 41s
How to analyze sales employees5m 32s
How to determine the best product category5m 25s
Challenge: Customer longevity analysis1m 29s
Solution: Customer longevity analysis2m 49s