From the course: Complete Your First Project in R
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How to prepare data for clustering
From the course: Complete Your First Project in R
How to prepare data for clustering
- [Instructor] To begin your cluster analysis, you'll need to first prepare your data. To begin run the top sections of your code to load in the data, and then after that you'll be installing two packages to prepare your data. For installing the packages the code should already be there in that install.packages format, and you'll be installing lattice and caret. Make sure that you install these packages only once and then after that you could comment this code out. So you run this to install the packages, and once they're installed and ready to go, you can bring the packages in using the library function. So first package you'll bring in is lattice. The lattice package is a data visualization package and it is needed since the caret package depends on it. The other package is the caret package, and this one helps streamline the process of preparing and adjusting data for machine learning models. You'll be using this package's dummy variables function later on in this code. So you'll…
Understanding cluster analysis4m 30s
How to prepare data for clustering4m 56s
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Solution: Clustering late payment customers4m 52s