From the course: CompTIA Data Systems (DSO-001) Cert Prep

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Backup automation and testing

Backup automation and testing

- Backup and restoration activities can be bulky and slow. This data movement can significantly affect the performance of a network, especially during regular production hours. Because of this, administrators typically schedule backups to occur at night or other low traffic times. The amount of backup data increases over time. This causes the backup and restoration processes to take longer each time you perform a backup. Each backup also consumes more space on the backup media. Because of this, you want to build your backup solutions so that it can handle a reasonable amount of growth. One of the best ways to ensure backups are performed as needed is to automate the entire process, put technology in place that automatically schedules and triggers backups to run when they're needed. Testing your backups is crucial to ensure that you've protected your data. You should periodically attempt to fully recover systems and data from backup to ensure that everything is functioning properly and…
