From the course: CompTIA Data Systems (DSO-001) Cert Prep

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Database schema

Database schema

- A database schema serves as a blueprint that outlines the structure of a database. It's similar to the architectural plan for a building, detailing the database's objects such as tables, views, indexes and procedures. These elements collectively define how data is organized, stored and accessed within the database. Each schema is tied to a database user or role that owns it, encapsulating the permissions to create, modify and delete objects within the schema. This setup facilitates data security and access management, allowing granular control over who can interact with what data and how. Let's break down the process of schema design into its essential stages, conceptual data modeling, logical schema design, and finally, physical schema design. Conceptual data modeling is the initial step focusing on defining the entities and relationships without bogging down in the technical implementation details. It's about understanding the big picture of what the database represents, such as…
