From the course: CompTIA Data Systems (DS0-001) Cert Prep

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Structured data

Structured data

- [Instructor] When you think of data, chances are that you immediately think of spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel. Spreadsheets are valuable tools that allow us to organize our data in tabular form. That tabular format is an easy way for us to think about our data, and it is the most common way that we store data for use in analytics. This approach where we store data in well-defined tables describes a category of data known as structured data. Now, we not only find the structured approach data in spreadsheets, but we also find it in relational databases. These relational databases allow us to create many different tables of data, each containing information about a single type of person, object or event. Database designers then create relationships between those different tables that describe how the data interacts. Here's an example of a very complex database schema. This is the schema for the Adventure Works database, a database designed by Microsoft to mimic the operations of a…
