From the course: CompTIA Data Systems (DSO-001) Cert Prep

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Trends to monitor

Trends to monitor

- System alerts are automated messages that notify administrators that action is required to keep a database operationally stable. You configure alerts to trigger when the system deviates from expected operational patterns. These notifications help administrators quickly identify and address potential issues. You're already used to the idea of alerts in your everyday life. For example, you might drive a car that has a fuel gauge on its dashboard. You can look at that gauge and see the vehicle's fuel level at any time. But when the fuel level gets very low and the situation is urgent, a low fuel warning light illuminates to alert you to the urgent need for gas. Databases also have alerting mechanisms that help administrators identify urgent situations. These alerts might notify you of abnormal growth in the database's size, unusually high CPU use, or significant drops in throughput. Monitoring the growth of a database is crucial for capacity planning, as well as preventing storage…
