From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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How to use your desktop

How to use your desktop

- [Instructor] Let's talk now about the word desktop. This word already came up once at the beginning of this course, but in reference to the type of computer you may be using, as in laptop or desktop, but that's not the only use of the word desktop when it comes to computer terminology. Another meaning of desktop refers to what we're seeing on screen right now, this vast empty blue area or whatever color or pattern your desktop happens to be. Now, the desktop in reality is just another folder on your computer. It just happens to be the folder you see most often and it's always open unless it's completely covered by another window. But if you can see any tiny portion of your desktop, you can drag files out of other folders onto the desktop to move them there, and the desktop can be a very convenient place to store commonly used files or even recently downloaded files. For example, I'm going to open up a program called…
