From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Cybersecurity Terminology

Welcome to Cybersecurity Terminology 101

From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Cybersecurity Terminology

Welcome to Cybersecurity Terminology 101

- [Lauren] Welcome to Cybersecurity Terminology 101. In this course, we will cover a number of terms, definitions and acronyms, or as some may even say, buzzwords that are commonly heard when cybersecurity is being discussed. The intent of this training is to give high-level definitions that are easy to understand, as so many of these concepts can be rather technical in nature or hard to digest without relatable context. And while there is a vast number of definitions we could cover, it's not feasible to cover them all in one course. So we chose some of the more common terms one may hear or encounter at work or in their day-to-day life. My name is Lauren Zink, and I've spent over a decade developing and maturing security culture and awareness programs for various companies. One task that aligns with security culture and awareness is being able to relay information in layman's terms to generally non-technical audiences. And in this training, I will do just that. Let's get started. (cheerful music)
