From the course: Dealing with Microaggression as an Employee

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Escalating past microaggressions to a trusted third party

Escalating past microaggressions to a trusted third party

From the course: Dealing with Microaggression as an Employee

Escalating past microaggressions to a trusted third party

- For many people, addressing microaggression concerns directly can seem overwhelming, difficult, and even nerve-wracking. But want to know a secret? You don't have to take those not so subtle comments of microaggression in the office alone. Even when the actions are subtle snubs, dismissive looks, or a general sense of being devalued, you have options to escalate your concerns. So if your preferred method is to involve a third party to address concerns you've experienced, I want to share a suggestion on who, how, and what you should address with a third party. First, who should you involve? Learning to draw boundaries and find support among allies is one of the most important steps in dealing with microaggressions in the workplace. At a starting point, you can involve a support network with colleagues who volunteer to intervene on you or the harmed party's behalf. It's the mindset of if you see something, say something.…
