From the course: Drawing Foundations: Fundamentals
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The use of line
From the course: Drawing Foundations: Fundamentals
The use of line
So to start off your drawing journey, we're just going to concentrate on line. Line can often be overlooked when you're first starting. But it can be so important to really understand how shapes all work together to construct a really nice drawing. So, if we start off with line, then we can build up, looking at shade and tones, as our drawings and skills progress. The left-hand side of our brain, which you've learned hinders us when we are trying to draw something accurately, comes back to help us once we have done the line drawing. Because it's so keen to make logical sense of what we are looking at, it can something appear 3D to the viewer, and to yourself, once your line drawing is completed. So a really good example for you to see how good the left brain can be, is if you ever go into an art gallery and from a distance you see a painting that really looks photorealistic, but then as you get closer and closer towards it, you start to notice it's just really abstract shapes. Just…
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