From the course: Emerging Web Frameworks
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Astro - JavaScript Tutorial
From the course: Emerging Web Frameworks
(upbeat music) - Astro has been getting more hype recently than any other framework. And after spending some quality developer time with it, I can say that it absolutely deserves to hype. It's a meta framework that lets you use components from just about any other framework, including React, View or Svelte. You can even mix and match components from different frameworks. It also has the best implementation of partial hydration which loads the JavaScript for components only when you need them. But don't take my word for it. Let's build something with it so you can see why, when I rebuild my blog later this year, it's what I'll be using. Let's take a look at what it takes to install Astro. I'll go ahead and make sure that I'm on the desktop. Then in here, I'm going to make a directory. I'll call it demo-astro. And then I want to switch over to that directory. And then I'm going to do an npm init command Astro. It's…