From the course: Emerging Web Frameworks

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Pollen CSS

Pollen CSS

(upbeat music) - CSS variables have been with us for quite a while but creating a solid set of defaults for your site is a big project. Pollen is a configurable set of CSS variables with modules for typography, colors, and a sensible grid for layout. If you've decided to use CSS variables it gives you a great set of defaults that you can also easily customize. Let's build a responsive layout with the framework so that you can see how the variables work. So to get started, I've created this code swing. There's also a data.json file that you can see right here. Let's see, we'll just put it over here and you can see that it has just the data for the website. I have an image folder right here that has all the images that I'm going to need. This is essentially an array of objects and the objects are the different sort of menu sections. So this first one's called Appetizers, it has a name, a description, and then an items array…
