From the course: Emerging Web Frameworks

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Windi CSS

Windi CSS

(upbeat music) - When it was released, Tailwind CSS was one of those frameworks that made everyone notice, but popularity breeds competition and there's a new contender that's been gaining ground called Windi CSS. Let's take a look at why you'd want to consider it and then we'll build something with it. With Tailwind, you use a number of classes to define your layout. This is pretty close to using style attributes, but it does place some constraints on that, so it's a little bit more expressive as well as constrained. This makes Tailwind a really good solution for using with component-based architectures like React and Vue. Compared to something like Bootstrap, Tailwind doesn't have any built in components. So things like moles, popovers or toasts have to be built from scratch. So stick with Bootstrap if all you need is a way to build sites quickly. So if Tailwind CSS is so great, why would you want to switch to…
