From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth (2020)

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Extract and count unique entries from a list using the UNIQUE function

Extract and count unique entries from a list using the UNIQUE function

From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth (2020)

Extract and count unique entries from a list using the UNIQUE function

- [Instructor] Among the many new functions introduced in recent years is a function called unique. It and a few other functions are also categorized at times as dynamic array functions. And they allow us to return multiple results to a range of cells based on one formula. Now, the word unique can mean something different depending upon how you use it. I've got a list here in columns A through F, it's 999 rows. I want a list of all the departments. Now you can see of course, for example, in rows three and four, those are both logistics. Later on, we see quality control. We want a list of each department here, but listed only once. Sometimes that's referred to as a unique list. Another definition of unique is, I'm interested in seeing which entries in column B appear once and only once. And that's somewhat unlikely. Do you have a department with only one person? Well, maybe it's a new department just getting set up? Or…
