From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth (2020)
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Extract and count unique entries from a list using the UNIQUE function
From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth (2020)
Extract and count unique entries from a list using the UNIQUE function
- [Instructor] Among the many new functions introduced in recent years is a function called unique. It and a few other functions are also categorized at times as dynamic array functions. And they allow us to return multiple results to a range of cells based on one formula. Now, the word unique can mean something different depending upon how you use it. I've got a list here in columns A through F, it's 999 rows. I want a list of all the departments. Now you can see of course, for example, in rows three and four, those are both logistics. Later on, we see quality control. We want a list of each department here, but listed only once. Sometimes that's referred to as a unique list. Another definition of unique is, I'm interested in seeing which entries in column B appear once and only once. And that's somewhat unlikely. Do you have a department with only one person? Well, maybe it's a new department just getting set up? Or…
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Extract and count unique entries from a list using the UNIQUE function5m 8s
Filter data and return matching records with the FILTER function4m 46s
Use the SORT and SORTBY functions to create new lists5m 29s
Use INDIRECT to return references specified by text strings4m 3s