From the course: Excel: Power Query for Beginners

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Getting data from another file

Getting data from another file

- [Instructor] More often than not, you'll get data in the form of a file, and you'll want to clean it up using Power Query. For example, I double clicked this CSV file here from the Practice Files folder. It's called 01_01_SalesData.csv. Now, instead of just opening this file, how can I import it into another workbook? I'll show you how. First, I'll bring up a brand new workbook here by going to the File tab, Home, and then Blank workbook. And I'll zoom in just a little bit here so you can see better. And now I'm going to import that CSV file into this new file, and to do that, I'll go to Data and click Get Data, From File, and then this option here, From Text/CSV, or if you don't have this option, you might see a New Query button where you can choose the CSV option. So I'm going to choose this one, and I'm going to go ahead and double-click that CSV file in the Exercise Files folder. And I get this helpful Import dialogue box that shows me a preview of the data. And in particular, I…
