From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

Candidate answer and feedback

From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

Candidate answer and feedback

(upbeat music) - Let's see how a candidate might answer that question and I'll be back in a minute to share my thoughts. - I'd like to leave my current role because I'm eager to find a new opportunity and grow. As you can see, I've been doing the same kind of work for two and a half years, and I'm starting to stagnate. My company doesn't have a role open for the next step up, unfortunately. So, I'm excited about the opportunity of becoming a sales manager at your company. The new role will let me use the skills I've developed in my current role, making cold calls, hooking in new clients with pithy, but inspiring opening lines, following up with carefully crafted emails, listening to their pain points and then offering up solutions that can solve their problems. I'm eager to make a fresh start, and I want to use my cold calling and listening skills 23 to help craft an even better solution 24 with the product I'd be working on in this new role. - I think she did a great job. Number one, she was positive. She talked about her eagerness, her excitement about the new role. She did mention she started to stagnate in her current role, and so I might recommend tweaking that language a little bit to make it more positive. The second point is that she talked about leveraging her current skills in order to gain even new skills and have new experiences as a sales manager, and I think that's really fantastic. That brings me to the third point, in terms of how she framed this in the context of the new role and the new job she's applying for. She did a really good job with this, and one recommendation I would say is to think about how she can make it more specific to the company that she's applying for. What are the products that they offer that are so meaningful to you and why are you so excited to be able to sell those products at this company? But overall, I think she did a fantastic job.
