From the course: Exploring Data Science with .NET using Polyglot Notebooks & ML.NET

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Describing DataFrames

Describing DataFrames

- [Lecturer] Now that we've finished cleaning and processing our data using data frames, it's time to shift gears a little bit and look at data analysis using the process of Exploratory Data Analysis or EDA. Here we have a notebook that has 2 F# cells. I'm using F# in this module because F# is actually better for generating visuals than C# is at the moment. And so this is going to benefit us later on when we get into charts. But here I have two cells. The first one is referencing the Microsoft data analysis nuget package and importing that namespace. The open statement is very similar to a using statement in C# if you're not familiar with F#. The next thing I'm doing is I'm actually loading the data from our training.csv file that we created in our last video. So here I'm saying, Hey, I want to load that into a data frame. I'm going to store it in a new data frame variable using my let. And next I'm going to call my head method on the data frame. And we can see we have a data frame…
