From the course: Exploring Data Science with .NET using Polyglot Notebooks & ML.NET

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F# cells

F# cells

- [Instructor] Although the product is called Polyglot notebooks, thus far, we've only been working with a single language, C#. The idea behind Polyglot notebooks is that we should be able to pick whatever language best matches the task we're trying to perform. In many cases, I work best with C#, but some things, like data visualization, I might do better with another language, such as F#. In this video, we're going to take a look at how do you add an F# code cell to your notebook and work with it? If you're not familiar with F#, don't worry. We're going to cover the basics in this course, but it won't be a firm stressing point, and we'll just see how we can mix together different languages in the same environment to accomplish the tasks we're trying to achieve. So we'll start by adding in a new code cell, and notice how we added a C# code cell. Well, we want F#, so we're going to click on the C# script, and change that to F#. Next, I'm going to go in; I'm going to declare a new…
