From the course: Exploring Data Science with .NET using Polyglot Notebooks & ML.NET
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Mermaid diagrams
From the course: Exploring Data Science with .NET using Polyglot Notebooks & ML.NET
Mermaid diagrams
- [Instructor] We've seen how Markdown lets you put rich documentation inside your notebooks alongside your code cells. But we can also use Mermaid cells to provide documentation in the form of diagrams. There are many different types of diagrams supported by a Mermaid syntax, but we're going to look at four of the most common. All Mermaid charts are based on text Markdown that's then rendered by the Mermaid JS renderer into an interactive visual. So let's take a look at some basic syntax for a flowchart. So here I have a code cell that's of type Mermaid, and when I run this, it's going to generate a flowchart showing me the client to server to database interaction that's standard in software engineering. So here I have a connection from the client to the server and from the server to the database. And when Mermaid renders that, it renders this top to bottom diagram that we see here. Now, we have more options than just this. We can also say, hey, I want a left to right. That's LR…
Notebooks and kernels1m 58s
Installing Polyglot Notebooks57s
Creating your first Notebook1m 39s
C# cells2m
Variable sharing between cells3m 3s
Declaring classes and methods3m 46s
F# cells2m 18s
Sharing variables between kernels4m 58s
Markdown cells2m 19s
Mermaid diagrams5m 59s
Importing NuGet packages2m 14s