From the course: Exploring Data Science with .NET using Polyglot Notebooks & ML.NET

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Scatter plots

Scatter plots

- [Speaker] So far, the charts that we've looked at have been forms of univariate analysis where we are analyzing a single variable. In this video, we'll move to multivariate analysis, where we look at how different variables interact with each other. We'll start by taking a look at this box plot. We want to see the quantity sold by the sales tier. Right now, all we see is our sales tier. There's a simple way of fixing this. We can add in a Y value and set it equal to the quantity. And now when I run this, I now see that my quantity sold is broken out by the individual sales tiers. So we can see that across the board, we really have a lot of common sales at the low levels, but we have high quantities of sales at the sales tier one, sales tier five levels, but lesser values in sales tiers two, three, and four. I would suspect that probably we have fewer salespeople at those seniority levels, but we'd have to check with other data sources that we don't have to confirm that. This box…
