From the course: Full-Stack Web Applications with Rust and Leptos

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View templates

View templates

- [Instructor] In this lesson, we're going to see where our Rust code gets converted to something that can be rendered by a web browser, and that happens in what's called a view template. All web frameworks have some kind of templating system and Leptos is no exception. You can think of the templating system as describing the structure of the page that is displayed to the user while also having the ability to interpolate values from our Rust code. The starter template has some handy constructs in here by default, but we're going to remove them because we'll want to write them ourselves so we really understand what's going on. Okay, so we've deleted everything except this one view template. Let's focus on this template for a minute. Our app is now even simpler than it was with the starter template. Let's focus on what's inside these curly braces. If you've done any reactive front end development, like with ReactJS or something similar, this is going to look really familiar to you. It…
