From the course: Google Ads Essential Training (2022)
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Set up Google Ads campaign experiments - Adwords Tutorial
From the course: Google Ads Essential Training (2022)
Set up Google Ads campaign experiments
- [Instructor] As you start to get the hang of Google Ads, you're going to want to test changes to your ads. Perhaps you want to add keywords, compare ad variations increase bids, modify placements, and so on. But changes can be risky, especially if your ads are already performing well. However, testing is an important piece of any advertising process, and if you're not creating tests, well, you're not improving. Fortunately, with Google Ads, those tests can be made a little less risky, and that's through what we call experiments. What you do is you get to run an experiment, which allows you to make a change to a campaign, and then test that change on a small subset of traffic. This way you can verify the modifications, identify if they have an improvement, and then decide that you want to roll that change out to 100% of the traffic. So I'm here at the overview page for our campaigns, and from the left-hand navigation,…