From the course: Google Cloud Foundations

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Learning more about Google Cloud

Learning more about Google Cloud - Google Cloud Platform Tutorial

From the course: Google Cloud Foundations

Learning more about Google Cloud

- [Narrator] We've reached the end of this course. I really hope you enjoyed it. Taking a step back to the beginning and looking at this Google Cloud Digital Leader and looking at the exam guide and what you need to know, you're seeing we covered today, General Google Cloud Knowledge, which covers about 25 to 35% of the exam. For next steps, I definitely recommend reviewing some sample questions. I've included some here on this course. There's also some on Google Cloud's page that you can take a look at. There's also a learning hub and certification hub, that you can look at, get you some more information. And as you can see here, you can go ahead and register for it, $99. But as we take a scroll down on this page, going back to the exam guide, if you haven't gone through section three yet, I'd highly recommend you get up to speed on Google Cloud products and services. And this is going to go deeper into more of the…
