From the course: How to Train Your Brain For Happiness

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The happiness equation: To tribe is to thrive

The happiness equation: To tribe is to thrive

From the course: How to Train Your Brain For Happiness

The happiness equation: To tribe is to thrive

- I want to reveal to you in this lesson what I call the happiness equation, and that is the following. Attachment to tribe equals life and a happy brain. Abandonment from tribe equals death and a despairing brain. Why would I say that? Well, if you recall, I had you imagine yourself going back in time, all by yourself, cold, frightened, lonely, desperate, just the seeking sense of survival, food, sleep, shelter. And I asked you, would your chances for survival increase if you had one or even five other able-bodied people you trusted with you? The answer was yes. This is what gets wired into your brain. Any adaptive strategy, whether it's opposable thumbs for grasping tools, walking upright to see better in the distance, or vocal cords, all of these adaptive strategies allowed humans to enhance survival. Any adaptive strategy that allows for survival of the species gets passed down into future generations. This is…
