From the course: Implementing a Data Warehouse SQL Server 2019

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Design fact tables

Design fact tables

- [Instructor] We've created two dimension tables in the KinetEco Data Warehouse. Now it's time to create the facts table for orders and connect everything together. Once again let's take a look at an example of an orders table to see the kinds of fields we might consider including. There's a good one in the Wide World Importers database. Let's expand the tables folder under that, and I'm going to look for the table called Fact.Order. I'll right click on it and choose Select Top 1000 Rows. The first column is an Order Key, this is an auto-incrementing integer that serves as the primary key for the table. Like most fact tables, you're going to find lots of key columns here that hold the foreign keys that relate to all of the dimension tables that provide context. So here we have columns that connect to the city dimension, or the customer dimension, or the stock item dimension, and so on. Notice that we have two date keys,…
