From the course: Implementing a Data Warehouse with SQL Server 2022

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Update master data in Excel

Update master data in Excel

- [Instructor] I've just installed the Master Data Services add-in for Excel, and now it's time to see how it can make it easy to work with your master data right inside of an Excel workbook. We'll start with a new blank workbook. Then on the ribbon tab across the top of the screen, you'll see that we have a new tab for master data. This includes all of the tools that were just installed with the add-on. We have some tools to connect and load data from the Master Data Services database. We can query the data, publish and validate data members, and even build models with entities and attributes. Let's go over to the left and press the connect button. Now, we don't have any saved connections yet so we need to make one. I'll press the new button down here at the bottom and I'll give it a description. I'll call it ProductsConnection. The website URL is the same one that you access Master Data Services on the web app, so…
