From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
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Customize email signatures
From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
Customize email signatures
- [Instructor] An email signature is the text that appears automatically at the end of any email you send. You've probably noticed that when you compose a new email message in the mail app, your messages have the default signature of "Sent from my iPhone" or "Sent from my iPad," but you're free to customize or remove this text if you prefer. Go to settings, to mail. Now this is where you'll find several other ways you can customize how the mail app displays your emails. For example, under the messages list, you can choose how many lines of your messages are previewed when you're looking at your inbox, or you can go to swipe options to determine what buttons appear when you swipe a message left or right. For example, we saw earlier that swiping to the right marks the message as read or unread, but you can change that to one of these other options if you prefer. But let's scroll down here to the composing section and here…