From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Understand Keyboard settings

Understand Keyboard settings

- [Instructor] There's some important settings we should look at in case typing and editing text aren't working the way you expect. Let's go into Settings, to General, and Keyboard. Notice all these switches here under all keyboards are currently enabled. Let's quickly run through them. Here at the top, Auto Capitalization is why your iPhone or iPad capitalizes the first letter of each line. Auto Correction is the feature that automatically corrects spelling errors that we've been seeing. If for some reason you don't want your device to do that, you can turn that off here. Check Spelling puts those dashed red lines under misspelled words. With Enable Caps Lock on, a quick double tap of the Shift key on the keyboard locks the letters to all caps. So for example, if I switch back to my Notepad app here, and I double tap the Shift key, now when I type, I get all caps. Next we have the Predictive option, which is what makes…
