From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
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Work with notifications
From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
Work with notifications
- [Narrator] Oftentimes, when you're performing one task on your iPhone or iPad, maybe checking your email or playing a game or watching a video, other applications will want your attention. Let's take a look at how to manage the way alerts and messages pop up on your device. For example, maybe I'm browsing a webpage and I receive a text message. (notification dings) I'm alerted to this by a notification area that temporarily appears at the top of my screen. This allows me to glance at and preview my message without leaving my browser. And as you saw, after a few seconds, the notification disappears and I can continue reading my webpage. (notification dings) Now I've received another text message. You can immediately dismiss a notification by swiping up on it. And you can do that if you don't want to wait for it to disappear on its own. If you receive a notification that you do want to address right away,…
Understand Apple ID and iCloud accounts3m 16s
Setup an Apple ID or iCloud account2m 52s
Customize the Home screen and add widgets6m 19s
Customize the Lock screen4m 27s
Launch apps3m 21s
Use the Control Center5m
Customize the Control Center1m 18s
Work with notifications5m 3s
Notification summaries2m 17s
Use the App Switcher2m 30s
Use the iPad Dock5m 17s
iPad multitasking5m 9s
Split a single app in iPadOS3m 43s
Use Stage Manager in iPadOS4m 42s
Find apps on the App Store5m 33s
AirDrop3m 49s