From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Work with notifications

Work with notifications

- [Narrator] Oftentimes, when you're performing one task on your iPhone or iPad, maybe checking your email or playing a game or watching a video, other applications will want your attention. Let's take a look at how to manage the way alerts and messages pop up on your device. For example, maybe I'm browsing a webpage and I receive a text message. (notification dings) I'm alerted to this by a notification area that temporarily appears at the top of my screen. This allows me to glance at and preview my message without leaving my browser. And as you saw, after a few seconds, the notification disappears and I can continue reading my webpage. (notification dings) Now I've received another text message. You can immediately dismiss a notification by swiping up on it. And you can do that if you don't want to wait for it to disappear on its own. If you receive a notification that you do want to address right away,…
