From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals
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Communicating with customers
From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals
Communicating with customers
- Now that we've discussed building relationships with our teams, the output should positively impact our customers as well. The key with building quality relationships is to first establish what our customers want and need and what we can deliver to them. This is all part of our service level management process we discussed in a previous video. So let's do a quick review. Often customers don't ask for service level agreements, we do. We want to ensure that what we are delivering from a service perspective is what our customers want first and in the timeframe our customers need it in. So establishing service-level targets based on our customer requirements that are documented in a service-level agreement that is managed by a service-level process is the number one key to success. For example, service-level targets can include targets like abandonment rates, answer time, service level, average handle time, mean time to resolution, first contact resolution, quality and customer…