From the course: Location Scouting for Video and Photo Projects

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Art direction considerations

Art direction considerations

- So when you're on location, make sure you're taking notes of all things that you think that you might need to change in that scene to make it work for your production. Write down anything you think you're going to need to move, anything you need to bring with you, like props, or any set alterations. I was looking at this house and it was a great location but one of the things I needed for my production was little girl's bedroom. This house only had boy bedrooms that were painted blue. So when I was with the DP we talked about changing it over to look like a girl's bedrooms with props and lighting. So if you see with lighting and adding the props from the location scout we were able to make a plan to transform this little boy's room into the girl room we needed. Sometimes you might not find what you're looking for and you might have to build it yourself in a studio. Which is fine, just make sure you have the budget for it. So…
