From the course: Location Scouting for Video and Photo Projects
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Creative decisions to make
From the course: Location Scouting for Video and Photo Projects
Creative decisions to make
- So sometimes before you go on your location scout, there are going to be creative decisions already made because of maybe the types of shots you need to get. Maybe you need to get a dolly shot or maybe a jib shot and so now you need to find a location that those can fit into. So it's good to connect with your director and DP to see if there's any non-negotiable creative decisions that were made. So I'm going to talk to him about camera positions. Now, if they're going to have a jib, I know I need to have high ceilings, so that's important to know before I go on my location scout. Lens selections. Talk to them if they want to be really wide, then you're going to need a lot bigger of a place in a location. Lighting decisions. Maybe there's certain lighting that they want to use that you need to make sure you have space for. Rigging issues. Maybe there's going to need to be a lot of moving pieces and we're going to…
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