From the course: Location Scouting for Video and Photo Projects

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Essential sun calculations

Essential sun calculations

- When you're on your location scout, it's really important to pay attention if you have windows or for your outside, how the sun is going to affect your scenes. It's good to determine the sun's path for a given shoot day. Determine if there's going to be a lot of shadows when the sun moves, it's going to move shadows on the ground, you need to pay attention to that. Identify sunrise, sunset, dusk, these are all things that are going to affect the timing of your shoot. There's lots of software and apps out there like Sun Seeker that you can use to help track where that sun's going to be during your shoot. Now when you do your location scout, try to do it at the same time of day that you're going to shoot on your production. This'll help you know if that sun's beating into those windows too much. When we went on our location scout it was perfect, the lighting was perfect, it was a bright sunny day. On our actual day of…
