From the course: Location Scouting for Video and Photo Projects
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Identifying your scenes
From the course: Location Scouting for Video and Photo Projects
Identifying your scenes
- Your first step after having a locked concept or script is to define what you're going to need to help your scene or story. Start by breaking your script down into scenes. Once you do that, add up the number of scenes you're going to need. As you look through them, are there any that can be grouped together so that you can make it all in one location? That's going to save you money in production. Are there any that are interior, or exterior, or both? By doing this, we are defining that creative what that we were talking about earlier. We need to know what needs to be captured, and we also need to know what's going to be shown. So take this location, for example. I needed to do a government video about safety on construction sites. So instead of trying to build my own scenes, I went and I found a location that fit the theme of my script. One of the topics was I needed a messy office. So instead of creating one and…
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Identifying your scenes1m 16s
Identifying your time and budget restrictions1m 5s
Identifying the logistic needs of your production1m 4s
Identifying your possible shoot dates1m 14s
Identifying the creative needs of your production1m 37s
Creating your location goals and checklist1m 32s