From the course: Location Scouting for Video and Photo Projects

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What is location scouting?

What is location scouting?

- Location scouting is one of the most important steps when you're planning your production. Let's start with what is location scouting? It's really that we're going to a location virtually and physically to, one, see if it fits our production and, two, are there any obstacles, or how we're going to plan our production there. Location scouting's going to help me determine if this location is the best fit for my production. It's an opportunity to discover potential risks and opportunities, a chance to improve creative inspiration. Maybe I get more ideas while I'm there. And it's really vital to the pre-production process to help us plan our productions. It's easier to plan for problems than solve them on the fly. Sure, you can do it on set with your crew standing around, but it's a lot more cost-efficient to have these problems solved in advance. I like to consider my location as one of my first talent that I cast. Yes, I…
