From the course: Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Classification Modeling

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Discriminant with three categories

Discriminant with three categories

- [Instructor] Okay, for our first algorithm we're going to talk about linear discriminant analysis. Now as the name implies, we're trying to talk about the equation of a line, but here we're focused on trying to separate two groups. We want one group at one end of the line, and another group at the other end of the line. Now while we're discussing this, we're gonna revisit a topic that we talked about briefly earlier. And that is that when we're trying to predict into three categories, it can complicate things more than we anticipate. So we'll start with two, but during this video we're also gonna discuss the challenges of trying to predict into three. First, let's picture what we're trying to do. We're looking at a data set that's actually a famous one that's got the dimensions of petal width and petal length for a group of flowers, and we can imagine here that we could easily add a line that trends through these data points. Let's take a moment though to talk just a little bit…
