From the course: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cert Prep: 1 Cloud Concepts

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Understand security in the cloud

Understand security in the cloud

- [Instructor] We know how important data is for an organization. It can contain trade secrets, design of a proprietary product, business strategy, personal and financial details of users, or any other information that is crucial for the organization to succeed. Any part of this in the wrong hands can severely damage the organization's revenues and reputation. And that's why a cloud should be security centric. It takes years for organizations to earn the trust of their users and build a reputation, but just one night is enough to lose it all. We need to be constantly on the lookout for bad actors, every minute of every day. But the bad guys only need one chance to destroy everything. That's why security is a complex subject. In addition to being security centric, let's see what other security controls we expect in the cloud at the bare minimum. The data should be protected with industry standard encryption when it's at addressed and in transit. Doing this prevents bad actors from…
