From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps

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Approaches to legacy migration

Approaches to legacy migration - COBOL Tutorial

From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps

Approaches to legacy migration

- [Instructor] When starting the planning for a migration, there are a number of key decisions to make. The first is whether the migration will be to stick with COBOL and move to a contemporary environment, retaining much of the legacy code, or transitioning to a new language, such as Java or C. It's useful to consider the risk versus benefit options for migrating legacy applications. A simple re-hosting, sometimes called lift and shift, is the least risk but the least benefit. A full re-architecting of the application with its associated redesign and development is the highest risk but will deliver the most benefit. The case for remaining with COBOL is to minimize the recoding work and to retain as much tested code as possible. However, with this approach, comes a number of migration issues related to the different ways in which a contemporary architecture works. Some level of code module re-specification is likely to be…
