From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps

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Look at code from the past

Look at code from the past - COBOL Tutorial

From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps

Look at code from the past

- [Instructor] Some of the mainframe core applications written in COBOL in the 1970s and 80s were very large and very complicated. However, to make a start on using COBOL in a contemporary environment, let's look at a small legacy application that was written for a Sperry UNIVAC mainframe. This code was developed in 1984 and used to support an online banking application. I'll edit it with nano -l desr.cob. Here we can see the start of the original code. And as you can see from line four, this is one that I wrote in my early programming days. In the configuration section, on lines eight and nine, we can see it was written for the Sperry UNIVAC 1100 series mainframe. The code doesn't have any input files as its function is just to generate pin codes. It has a printer for output at line 17, but as we'll see shortly, this is only used for diagnostics. The main output is to the console and has to be captured. The print line…
