From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps
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Observations on the paradigm shift - COBOL Tutorial
From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps
Observations on the paradigm shift
- [Instructor] COBOL is a procedural language, conceived well before the object-oriented paradigm became popular. While the COBOL standard evolved to embrace object-orientation, COBOL programmers largely did not. The procedural paradigm is good for well controlled batch programs in which the programmer controls all the events that occur. There's no real time access and users are there only to generate input batches before the program runs and do something with the output after the program has run. If there is any user input, it happens when the program decides to ask for it. The object-oriented paradigm is a fundamentally different approach. Not just in the way code is written, but more importantly in the way code executes. Some applications require the ability to not control events but to respond to real time events. This occurs at the operating system level and in embedded processes, but more importantly for…
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Prepare to refactor code1m 56s
Refactor the DESR application8m 25s
Remove redundant labels1m 19s
Resize applications1m 30s
Make code segments generic5m 30s
Challenge: Refactoring32s
Solution: Refractoring3m 14s
Introduce structure through subprograms2m 39s
Remove dead code3m 27s
Refactor data1m 58s
The challenges of migrating to a relational database4m 4s
Refactoring, continuous integration, and self-testing3m 52s
Observations on the paradigm shift2m 21s
The refactoring catalog2m 44s